Wolf Pack Baseball First Pitch Scholarship Fundraiser
Join us as we introduce and celebrate the 2018 Wolf Pack Baseball team for opening weekend. Proceeds from the ticket sales will benefit the Wolf Pack Baseball Development Fund. Meet the 2018 Wolf Pack Baseball team and the recipient of the Coach Louis "Rags" Scheuermann Baseball Scholarship.
Proceeds from raffle tickets will benefit the Coach Louis “Rags” Scheuermann Baseball Scholarship, named in honor of a Loyola legend and a New Orleans icon—“Rags” Scheuermann.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Rock 'N' Bowl
3016 S. Carrollton Ave.
$50 per person (includes dinner buffet, beer, wine, and a donation to support Wolf Pack Baseball)
(Each event ticket is $50, that charge includes an event registration fee to cover event expenses and a $25 gift to the Baseball Development Fund. For additional information please consult your tax advisor.)